Tic, Tic, Tic
Date: Sept 6
Mileage: 16
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 60a.m./77 sunny p.m.- great weather day!
September mileage: 48
Year to date: 1320
Pinche, i can't get rid of this BB noise. actually, i haven't tried per se. i've mentally tried to fix it, avoiding it or pretending its non-existence. unfortunately it hasn't worked. i've been wanting to adventure trek over to my fav LBS, Clarksville, after school, but haven't quite done it. it would be abt 25m of afternoon riding, much in heavierthannormal traffic. today i stopped at Bardstown Road Bicycle, a shop that's actually closer to the house. the "mechanic wasn't it", so they couldn't take a quick look. that's no good. if i wanted to leave it long-term i would just truck it to my fav. i think tomorrow after work must be the day. i'm sort of worried about getting over there and them finding something grave. how do i get home? hmm...
one of my many, many, many loyal readers suggested the other day to take my AK to the driving populace. today would've been a good opportunity. i got to a stop sign well before the big white punk-ass lincoln continental. he looked at me and sped on through like i wasn't even there. it wasn't in the least bit close to an accident; it was instead an asinine move completed with what looked like 3 kids in the guy with tough dad type. prob a pedophile with his prey. assmonkey of the day goes to him.
near perfect weather, BTW, today. 60 in the a.m. first jacket ride of the season. afternoon upper 70s with lots of sun and low humidity.