Iºve been out of action for a while, given the tennis stuff and the year-end stuff and then the trip stuff. I could post each day about the different aspects of the trip, but most of the time the usage price was around 1€ per 15min or so, so no surfing or blogging. In my summer leasure I may do a brief entry from each day once the pics are up, but I would rather get riding and post some ride thoughts. Good trip, but the € is sick strong against the dollar at 1€/.75 dollar, so it gets expensive to vacation.
Iºm in Portugal now on my first trip here and it has the quick impression of being a fantastic Euro city, less touristy and more relaxed than Madrid and the like. Pics to come but flying home tomorrow and looking forward. chao
Iºm in Portugal now on my first trip here and it has the quick impression of being a fantastic Euro city, less touristy and more relaxed than Madrid and the like. Pics to come but flying home tomorrow and looking forward. chao