'Ville map

I found this from a post on our local "utilitybike" listserve. You will have to visit the site to connect to the map, but it shows the different projects in play right now. I admit. I use several of these facilities. I regularly use the Bluegrass Creek Trail, which runs from Spring to Lexington Rd. I wish there were 20 miles of this kind of trail in the area. Although it's near to civilization, it's completely apart from it too. I also use portions of the Riverwalk with regularity. I certainly use some of the routes marked as "signed routes", not b/c of their signs, but b/c I know the roads. To me, the most exciting development will be the project to improve the River Rd. corridor, one I was on during Sunday's ride. It's pretty dangerous now, especially on a non-Sunday. That can connect downtown with emptier roads east.

The 'Ville site also has other news like the Commuter Pork Project and new PSAs on local TV. I wish someone would inform me how to actually get that $20/month. I work for public schools and the certainly do not fund my bike commuting.


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