Just a Bike Ride

well, i intentionally and successfullly started the early Sunday morning off better than i had the previous 2 wastes of time. i awoke a little too early for my own tastes- 6.00- but it gave me time to wake up, read the paper, and generally collect myself.

so off i went a little after 7.00 with no more intention than riding my bike. really there is no way i could recount exactly where i went, but the gist of it is as such- across to Taylorsville and then through the BonAir neighborhood, crossing over the ?Winchester? which is a really nice slice of stately homes off Taylorsville, working over to BrownsLn, to MallSt.M, through the StM beargrass creek park, across more neighborhoods to Seneca, and then home.

i had a couple nice moments in particular. one was a line of geese against an early morning sky, light clouds and dappled early morning sun. the 2nd was entering a nice fog in Seneca. apparently it looks like the north part of the city towards the river is thickly fogged over. very nice and in fact i had to turn on the generator light and flashing tail for visibility purposes. and a 3rd i've decided was a view of all the wildflower growth through St.MatthewsBeargrassPark (mouthful), especially surrounding a wetland pond. nice. certainly it was no racing ride, or even training one for that matter. it was simply a bike ride, and a good one at that.

a technological note is that i'm having trouble with my bike computer since the switch to the LHT. it's an old school Cateye Enduro2. it's working just fine, but i can't seem to get a good wheel size, always over or under. now, i'm not being picky, as i would have a pretty good tolerance for it being slightly off, but it always seems to be something like a .10 or more, which in my mind is substantial. the other is that, in fiddling with it the other day, i erased the odometer. it's not too impressive a number, but it's my commuting number, at least for the last few years or more. i guess i have to break down and do the science geek thing of measuring the rollout, blah blah. oh, another techno note is that i swapped the B17 from the Litespeed onto the LHT. i'm going to buy a B17narrow from Nashbar for a nice price today. i think the narrow will fit my preferences better for the more full-on Litespeed road bike.

17.7 (apprx)/average of who the hell knows and probably pretty damn slow/61 degrees a.m.


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