Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sin Casco

Date: Sept 5
Mileage: 16
Ride type: Commute
Bike: Rans
Temp: 58a.m./77 sunny p.m.- great weather day!
September mileage: 34
Year to date: 1304

man, my illogical behavior showed how much of a "Monday" today was. i got about.5m away from the house before i realized that i was not wearing a helmet, something i always do on the commute, and for good measure i had gone out in my Crocs instead of cycling shoes. the shoe thing i can understand. given my occassional miles on the fixie, i'm less cleat-fixated of late. the Rans- riding that b/c of the 'tic' on the LHT- has double-sided pedals, one SPD, the other flat, so wearing plain shoes, or in the this case sandals, is doable. by the end of the day, though, i noticed weird knee pain i haven't had before. i think it comes from having to actually elevate the foot/leg on the 'bent, which is unlike the dangling foot on a wedgie. the cleats in turn hold up the foot. the helmet factor bothered me all day on the bike. i was much more aware of busting my melon at the first fall. there's one 4-lane cross about a mile from the house. i'm usually somewhat brave getting through gaps, but today with no casco and on the poorly-starting 'bent, i practically never made it through.

otherwise, straight-up commute i guess. gotta get the LHT fixed, or i'll become a permanent 'bent rider, changing my whole cycling persona. that's no good.

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