Well, I've had good fortune and I've given in. My mom bought me an ipod Nano for Xmas; we celebrate Xmas eve traditionally. I was quite surprised b/c she bought the family some other nice things too. It's 2.42 a.m. Christmas madrugada and I'm on the damn computer fiddling with it. Hostia! Really it's pretty nice, but I'll have to find a way to be current but not hip. I find that the kids at school respect me more if I act my age. Most of the I'mnotthatyoungbutI'mtryingtobehip types are just ridiculed, justifiably.
It's now 3.05. I wish that when I had previously uploaded all my tunes I had had itunes as the time. Manually editing many different songs sucks rocks. Ah the price for on-demand music in a hip little digital package!
It's now 3.05. I wish that when I had previously uploaded all my tunes I had had itunes as the time. Manually editing many different songs sucks rocks. Ah the price for on-demand music in a hip little digital package!