I do NOT heart Huckabee
I just heard a brief snippet of an NPR interview with Janet Huckabee, wife of Republican candidate. She's one of those psychotic archtypes that Osama Bin Laden loves to recruit when he needs dirty work done in the Middle East. To wit, she believes in miracles, and believes that her husband is going to receive the blessed divination of the Good Decider in the sky, that he's going to experience the "miracle" of being the Republican nomination. I get so tired of these deluded religious types "believing" that God is going to side with them. It's not a question of whether she or Christians should exist or should prosper, but rather their delusion that the Bearded White Dude above somehow cares about Mike Huckabee. He cares enough to enact a miracle to have him be president, but chooses to let people starve, die of cancer, be molested as children, yadda yadda, yadda. Can't they just be satisfied the 'God' created the miracles of their personhood and leave the public shere alone. Ggrrrrrrrr!