
Date: Dec 25 Tues
Mileage: 22 (Bleriot)
December mileage: 199
Year to date: 2701

Frankly I'm all a little confused. Fact is, I forgot about my Xmas day ride in the afternoon. I went out late afternoon for a parks spin. Here are a couple pics from that. Since dropping my AIPTEK Pencam I think the pic quality has suffered significantly, but it's superlight and easy to carry, and it's what the coolkids use.

Looking down Beargrass Creek in Seneca. If the pic didn't suck it'd be a lovely view.

Little park along Gladstone Ave. and KingsHwy near Taylorsville Rd. We should all have greens such as these. Yes, that's my shadow. There isn't enough definition to see the winterberry bushes. You may be able to discern the dad in the background playing with his sons on the green. So Xmas.

My wife's anniversary flowers still in good shape after a week. This is looking into new room. If we survive we may have to have a kick-ass party.


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