Tues 7/8 3m w/ 'L'
Wed 7/9 26m in parks
Thur 7/10 15m w/ los Sprawls in the a.m.
Fri 7/11 20m mtbike ride in Cherokee
Sat 7/12 6.5m w/ 'L' and mom to Farmers' Market, through neighborhood and to Breadworks
Mon 7/14 5.5m w/ boys cruising the 'hood and behind the zoo
3m to Mom's and a beverage run
Wed 7/9 26m in parks
Thur 7/10 15m w/ los Sprawls in the a.m.
Fri 7/11 20m mtbike ride in Cherokee
Sat 7/12 6.5m w/ 'L' and mom to Farmers' Market, through neighborhood and to Breadworks
Mon 7/14 5.5m w/ boys cruising the 'hood and behind the zoo
3m to Mom's and a beverage run