Date: Nov 20 Thurs
Weather: 30F/33F, flurries in the p.m.
Mileage: 17
November mileage: 365
Year to date: 2838
I can't put into words, nor pictures, what a great moment this afternoon's commute was. I'm sure to many roadies, mt.bikers or commuters that 33F with wind blowing from the north and snow flurries whipping about isn't ideal cycling weather. To the contrary, I was sitting at the intersection of Tyler Ln. and B'town Rd. near the house and couldn't have been happier on the bike. I'm beginning to think that the TrekSS- Old Bessie herself- is one of my top fav rides. I was waiting for the light with the windy cutting me in the face and our first snow shower (non-accumulating) pitching sideways down B'town Rd., and I was doing exactly what I would've chosen. I was warm enough. My bike was comfy. My SS was getting the job done. I had good legs this afternoon, ones that took me down and out Payne St. to the Beargrass Tr. and then through Cherokee. I was able to push the gear all the way up Millvale and just felt great. This morning may have been even better. A Zencast Podcast from Gil Fronsdal presented 2 important notions about our speech: we should consider the energy of our speech (negative, relaxed, positive, tense, etc.) and we should be mindful of the intention of our speech. Both of these may be considered before even analyzing the content. It's our fundamental intention. I actually got to work in time for a 10min sit before the workday started. It was all good.
Tonight is filled with the mundane nature of "real" life: report cards, supper, mean elementary teachers, the dreaded family calendar, future plans, teenage attitudes, etc. It's all good, though, b/c it's all there, in front of us, and in front of me. I hope everyone else has had a fulfilling day. Those on the mend or too cold to ride, I hope you consider the freedom you'll feel when you are able to spin those pedals in your own due time. How Sweet it will be!
1 comment:
I have not been doing a good job of making myself get out and ride. I need to get better at this, as the lack of riding is getting to me. That said, I did ride a couple days ago and it snowed while I was out. It was glorious.
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