Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bearcamp Loop

Dave and I did a nice southern JeffCo. loop this afternoon, the Bearcamp Loop. It's one I've done for many a time, but it was Dave's first. There wasn't much to report other than brilliantly nice weather with sun, breeze and cool low-60s temps. My only complaint was scratching the @#@@!*$ out of the Bleriot on the return home on the bike rack. It was interesting to compare notes between my long-time Bleriot usage and the brief times I've been on the near-completed QB. The Bleriot cockpit feels a bit cramps and small, but by 30min in I had forgotten about the contrasts. Dave was feeling his 60-mile Saturday and 45+-mile Friday, so we took our time. I have a few pics that I've yet to load, but I'll get around to that. There's no better way to spend a sunny Sunday morning than a couple hours rolling around the countryside on a great bike. googleChrome is being weird so I can't paste in the link, but the route is a classic one out of Iroquois Park. (

My wife will appreciate this pic.  She knows why.

Dave charging forwards on the 'bent.

Tall grass and short flowers.  A nice combo.

If you haven't noticed by know, I like tall grass this time of year.  Look carefully and find that this field was/is dotted with small white wildflowers.

Dave losing and recovering water bottle.

Front bar panda.  The leather and shellac are looking particulary rich in this pic.  I know twine would be better, but I don't know the necessary knot to draw the bag away from the frame.

Dave's Oria post-ride.

p.s.  Full display of QB in the very near future as well. After our loop I went to C'ville Schwinn to buy a new, longer canti straddle cable to help lift the brake hardware off the MarksRack. Once home, I found that it was too short too, so I stole an even longer cable off the Crosscheck to use on the QB for the moment. I would say I'm an adjustment or 2 away from the QB being a full go. 'Course, now the CC doesn't have a functional rear brake, but let's prioritize, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the ride! I hit 186 miles for the week, which is a new personal record.

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