Monday, May 18, 2009

Commute no.16

Guess what I did today?  You guessed it, dear readers!  I actually rode my bike to work today!  Tennis has not closed it doors just yet, but the schedule is such that I'm on the bike the next few days.  I rode the LHT b/c it's still set up as the "get on/ride/weather or light be damned" ride and although my backside didn't overly enjoy the Brooks Conquest, by afternoon I was good to go in the near-perfect 65F and sunny.  I can imagine today being what Wisconsin is like in the summer.  I also ran across 2 cyclists this morning, both with questionable style.  One came up on my left and blew past without a warning.  Not cool.  I waved at another, who proceeded to blow me off even with direct acknowledgement.

I used the bike this afternoon to wynde through Audobon Park, Creason and up to Bellarmine to drop off a package, and then a bit more in Seneca Gds.  My pace reflected 'Grok' theory. More on that later, but a damn nice day, and I hope my locals got out to enjoy the sun fest as well.

Now if someone would just mow the extremely tall grass.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I still haven't gotten around to buying a bike (partly due to other expenses that take priority), but I'm hoping to ride at least around our neck of the woods this summer...

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