As for the blog, I've bitched and moaned, even recently, of having little to say, poca novedad. That said, without the biking blogosphere, I wouldn't gotten to read and swap cycling stories with the likes of Dave, Doug, Michael, Chris, or Pete. Reading normal people do both normal and extraordinary things on the bike is motivating, so I have to do my part, just because.
School/work is *very* busy, as it is for many people. My "adventure" bike time has really shrunken, but I've also been lazy ("the funk"?), so that's something to be mindful of. To be mindful, another thing to be mindful of. To not shovel sugary garbage down my pie hole, something to be mindful of. Gotta fight it. So onto the bike somehow, and to treat those around me with a sense of decency, however edgy I might be.
maybe not many blogs, but blogs none-the-less, about the two-wheeled world.
p.s. I don't think I posted this, but I bet it's the first RBW ever locked up at Oxmoor Mall. It's not exactly a RBW kinda' place. Never know, though.
Hang in there, my friend. It sounds like it is time for focus. I think the photo there are the mall is a great start.
What a nice bike!
Now, don't forget the short ride, and don't forget your friends. Oh yeah, and don't let the urgent displace the important.
Everyone gets in a rut from time to time. It just happens, and sometimes getting out of it requires explicit action, but patience as well. You can't "wait it out" without taking any action, but you can't force yourself out of it too early, either.
I say keep at least the bare minimum going -- mycyclinglog, and when you feel like it, the blog. And when you start feeling it again, you'll have a lot to catch up on.
I sent you an e-mail this week, not sure if you got it. But we should plan a ride either in the B-ton or L-ville area soon. Let me know if you'll have a free day or two and we'll see if we can schedule something.
It happens. Seasons change, the days get shorter, and the everything begins to feel routine. I don't know the solution to this, but you aren't alone.
this blog is great
I have a complete list of Louisville blogs at
That's funny, including me in with the "normal" group. What drives me to do what ever it is I do can't be normal.
This comment is a bit late, I'm way behind on my blog reading. But I'll always read yours. Post when you can, I'll keep tuning in.
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