
I'm getting some good rides in. By that I mean that they're not epic, not formidable, not noteworthy, not really memorable, but they're rides out in the warm, Fall sunshine. Tops if you ask me.

Friday afternoon presented a little bit of time to stretch the commute so I headed slightly west to 12th St. and turned north there. Following are a few interesting pics of what I found near I-64.  It would be interesting to visualize this area as a continuation of the linear river park as imagined by 8664, the local group organized around the concept of tearing down said I-64. I couldn't agree more.

Obviously, strange route for rail lines running right under I-64.

Coulda taken 20 shots of graffiti.

Ohio looking placid for this barge.

You can barely see afternoon moon above the roof line of the new "bucket".

Once on my fav Beargrass Creek Greenway, I looked for my friend Ol' Blue but only found his cousin, Kingfisher.

Light fading and can you see that nasty green sheen on the top of Beargrass Creek?

Terrible pic, but the white dot to the left is a Kingfisher.

Later a turn through the Casselberry neighborhodo brought some late Fall color and great light.

Fall colors pop!


Saturday brought an early, eager 6.45a.m. start so I could get out before afternoon family activities. Dave agreed to meet me for the early spin, and we both agreed on singlespeeds to get the job done. We flowed through Seneca and the Rudy Ln. route and connected to Glenview for some big house viewing (shoulda stopped for 1 pic of the "for sale" house. It's all me). A left onto River Rd. gave us an open pathway during which Dave upped the ante. He's running a cog a couple teeth lower than mine, so while he's turning at a comfy rate I'm hamster-wheeling.  We held a good pace down to the new cyclocross park where we took a quick look. I had visited there on Monday in the dark with a cold.

Looking down the man-made dismount hill.

Dave running it out over one of the berms.

Run up! Hup! Hup!
My hamster-wheeling tired me out a bit, so we backed off and made our way through Washington St., Market and onto Baxter where we first stopped to shoot the shit with a very sleepy Drew and smartly stopped at Quills for a 2nd cup of brew, now outside b/c the temps were warming up.

It was a damn fine morning on two-wheels with fine coffee and fine ride company.


Pondero said…
Sounds like a pretty good recipe to me.
Apertome said…
Meanwhile, they've started construction on I69 which is going to mess up all kinds of things around here. sigh.

The riding looks like a lot of fun! The 'cross park is very interesting. I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing.

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