At one point I had a 40-mile ride from
Blue Licks State Park via some nice gravel to the in-laws planned, but time and Mother Nature caught up to me. Given our need to be at a visitation by 5.00, I didn't have enough time to do the mixed-terrain loop. Bummer! I mentally change tack to still leave from BLSP but proceed directly to the in-laws. As we approached, things resulted much stranger. Temps in the 'Ville and towards the NE hovered around 100F, for which I had brought a cooler, 3 bottles and plans to visit a store in Ellisville. Approaching BLSP, we encountered an impressive lightening storm just in our path, followed shortly by gale, sideways winds. I'll ride in rain, but not in lightening like we saw. More bizarrely, in about one half mile, temps dropped from around 100F to 80F; I could see it drop on the car thermometer. Within about 2 miles, it had gone all the way from 101F to the lowest temp of 73F. That's what I call a cold front!!
I decided to ditch the BLSP ride entirely, head to the in-laws and catch whatever miles I could, in this case a very truncated 13m loop. Given the lack of epic nature of the ride, I'll just let a few images tell the story of a peaceful, rural bike ride. I could be frustrated, but why bother? I rode a little harder than usual and even descended a bit to climb some more. The clouds from the storm to the south were very cool, so here they are:

Country bike, in the country


Cloud and soybeans

Cloud and tobacco. Bet you don't see that much?

storm clouds to the south along Key Pike


Cloud and old house

Intertwining field, I think of more soybeans and grass
Even if it wasn't what you hoped for, it looks like a refreshing country ride. I won't right in lightning either,if I can help it.
I like the cloud theme in these pictures. Looks like a fun ride.
High school soccer begins in two weeks. I'm psyched about getting back into coaching at that level.
Biking in the morning, footie in the afternoon.
MR, as you mention it, my 14 yr-old is now a member of the freshmen futbol team. Our (meaning he a student and I a teacher) school has 3 teams, V, JV and Frosh, one of a few of public schools with said situation, so he'll spend the season practicing for the chance of being pummeled by our private school neighbors.
I'm pleased to hear you're coaching the kiddies. As you may know, I've coached tennis now for many years here and it's something I really enjoy...60% of the time. The other 40% makes me want to jump off a cliff. Good luck!
And finally, I'm really ready to get back into a bike commute groove. I'm missing it.
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