Date: Sept 2
Mileage: 6
Ride type: Mt.Bike
Bike: Redline SS
Temp: 70 and overcast
September mileage: 18
Year to date: 1288
went to family camp this weekend. it is the 5th year we've gone and each year, for me, it's gotten more and more enjoyable. i'm not into church; i go begrudgingly to be a "team player". church family camp, though, has become something much more, well, meaninful to me and to the fam. we eat, play cards, read books, play softball, goof, joke, eat, watch morons at the talent show, be morons at the talent show, eat, do some reflective and outdoor-oriented worship, eat, and ultimately chill out with nice, unpretentious, non-"holy roller" faith-based people. do i have much faith? no, not really, but these people do and have no seeming agenda to rub it in anybody else's face. it's a message mirrored by the Christian Church-DOC denomination's greater message. if i have to go through the motions, then i might as well go through the motions in a church that's as left-leaning as can be without being Unitarian, not that there's anything wrong with that. i'm probably the most agnostic and skeptical person there, but it's nice to be out in the country with all of its clear-air benefits, with good folks and just taking a step back from the modern world.
i also took a mini bike ride this year. last year i had a great 25m road ride. this time i took the mt bike and toodled. frankly, it wasn't much of a workout. i walked almost as much as rode, but i'll count the mileage anyway.
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