Wednesday, March 10, 2010


  • Sunday a great 55-miler with the RCCS in Southern Indiana. What a great place to ride!
  • Monday a quick hour on the fixie during 'L's soccer practice.
  • Wednesday, today, a quick 4.5 commute n back to a meeting post-school. I was thinking en route that all bicycle households should have a long bike like the Ute.
  • the cycling world is abuzz at googlemaps adding a bicycling route feature. I tried it for my neighborhood and save a poor decision about a .5m section, it has my commute down pretty well. Interesting how that goes. TheBigLead, a sports site I really like, has a snarky message about those damn law-breakin' cyclists. Why doesn't TBL bitch about all the stupid-ass mouth breather motorists wasting our oxygen while eating MickeyD's and smoking, all at the wheel of their '91 Buick, you know, the one with the shiny plastic hub caps?

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Alabama Sky Day 3 Vistas

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