Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nuttin' Fancy

This week is a strange one, with half the crew at camp, therefore having dad and non-emotive 14 yr-old at home. On top of that, so far this week he's had cross-country and soccer Monday, soccer Tuesday, and CC and soccer again today (he hates CC, I think, but he's doing it anyway. Parents know best, right?). I've been in full "mom taxi" mode, so riding hasn't been all that easy. Monday during his CC I actually jogged (and walked) for the first time in forever. I don't enjoy it, but when I jog- which is every few years for a spell- I tend to get some pretty quick fitness results, the all-body kind I don't alway get from cycling. Yesterday was truly a lazy wasteland until soccer, from whence I sprinted home and did a quick hour's worth of yardwork before a storm hit. Today, aside errands, I finally rode during soccer again. It wasn't anything special, just 18m during his tryouts. I rode the FrankenTrekSS, partly inspired by I/Grant grousing about not whining and power building while singlespeeding from an '06 "Reader". And, boy, it's sticky! And, boy, I've been sweaty this summer! Once the BB/pedal interface sounded like it would creak into pieces I even dove into OYLC for a quick BB greasing, which did the trick nicely.

18m done. I'll take it.

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