Rehl Rd. in the morning. For those of you not from Louisville, this is about 2m tops from "the 'burbs'. Quaint, isn't it? |
Cockpit. I'll move the Garmin mount to the stem next time I'm in this configuration. Also, I won't use the mtfeedbag. It knocked against my knee a bit much on this ride. |
"Canoe Park", or something to that extent. It's part of the developing Floyds Fork Park project. |
Canoe launch. I discreetly used the bushes, if you understand me. |
Old Taylorsville Rd. |
Taylorsville. Looks pretty peaked in this pic, much like the rest of rural America. |
Tobacco staking, for those who don't know what that is. I've never done it, but I've always heard it's back-breaking work. |
This is a painted message on 1754/Chaplin Rd., with me climbing and this on the opposite side. This stretch is apparently used for C.KY rides like the MS150 and maybe the OKHT. |
lunch stop in Willisburg |
Fresh asphalt along 433/Willisburg-Mackville Rd. |
My rest spot. I lay down in the grass just off the front wheel. I rested. I needed to. |
Backroads leading into Perryville. |
Steep crap along Oscar Bradley Rd. on the west side of Perryville Battlefield. I walked here, in socks. |
Questionable activities along same stretch of OscarBradley |
Pinto nuzzle along Oscar Bradley. My inability to ride and need to stay in the shade allowed me multiple pic opportunities. |
Butterflies cavorting, just barely. |
Approaching Perryville. Looks flat. It isn't. |
Perryville and Chaplin River |
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Shade, with a bit of sunny inspiration. |
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