Saturday, October 01, 2011

mas 'cross

It's a smidge busy, no, I lie. It is busy, but that's not the only thing dictating my riding. Yesterday morning I had a great window to do lots of mileage. Instead I hung out and relaxed and eventually went for coffee with 'L', which I *always* enjoy. That gave me 3m for the day.

Later that evening after lots of driving children around I got antsy and went out on the Blueridge with the SON and did a bit more than an hour, totalling 16m. I felt pretty good, although early efforts had me slow some in the second half. At some point I heard something and later noticed that I had popped a rear spoke. OYLC will have to attend to that. (no camera, no computer, so no data save using the HRM again.)

Today is 'Z's bday and we had 2 soccer games as well, so it was a quickie 'cross session with Lithodale from 3-4, my only window and his as well. Wow! Riding with LD makes for an interesting time b/c he's *way* stronger/faster than I am, so it was great to push me, but in pushing me I fell over, metaphorically speaking. I warmed up a bit and then did a hot lap for myself, which was him warm up. He dropped it down a gear or few the second time and I spun a bit and joined him at different parts of the course where I could cut. From there we went west to Eva Bandman to take a look at the future (maybe) World's  course, which at the present is taller, bushy, wet and generally no fun. We headed back to RRCC for a few more laps, the last of which I tried to do at some kind of pace. Looking at my final data stuff I noticed that I hit 179 as a maxHR, which mathematically is as high as it should be, 220-41. Yikes! Actually somewhere during that last lap I felt a little something and backed off a bit, although I looked at my HRM and I was in the 160s, so who knows. It was great to get out and fun to ride with LD, something I haven't done in a while.

Tomorrow is a big day up at BrownCo. I'll have the camera with me for that one, and certainly some stories to tell afterwards.

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