Tuesday, March 18, 2014


It's that time of the year, the tennis time of the year.  This past weekend on Saturday I arranged to ride with someone but he couldn't answer the bell, so I did a nice solo 21 miles on Seafoam under some sunny skies. I topped it off with a coffee at Quills where I people watched as revelers prepared for the St.Patty Day Parade. Green and beering it up at 10am. Mmm good.

Sunday I met PJ at his place, this under much more questionable conditions, what with the 35F and gale force headwind from the east. Brrr. We plodded over to Sawyer park and explored the trails a bit (looking for a stealth camp spot. Shh.), took the Anchorage Trail for the first time, and then to Anchorage Cafe for coffee, quiche, and lots of man talk. The return, fortunately, involved more tailwind. That said, I was really glad that I wasn't on a metric that day.

That's Seafoam peeking from behind the trash can. Noodles and different seatpost have transformed the Atlantis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being retired a ride solo during the week quite often. My favorite is a 34 mile loop to a neighboring town for a sandwich and a Dunkin Donuts coffee.

Tennis will commence soon here also. As soon as the daily morning frost abates.

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