i started the a.m. with a good ride to school, as short as possible at 6 miles, but with a 14.6 average. i'm pleased with that avg with lights and stop signs and such. i did meander every so slightly differently through Germantown. nothing special, but a slight break in the monotony and some good tempo. it seems that happens more in the a.m. than in the p.m.
the p.m. went well too. 'cheryl' and i headed out, dropping her off after the usual 3. i then meandered through Crescent Hill, passing along some streets of Frankfort that i've never visited. taking Frankfort, i turned onto that GREAT street next to the Water comp. i don't know the name, but one of the nicest streets in Luavull. i backtracked to Garden and into Seneca. in fact, i had a nice pickup on the Seneca loop falling in behind a couple of roadies. i know they try to push it a little so they're not seen with some commuting Fred, but it's fun to get the wheels going in the 20mph range. i took the park around into Cherokee. i cheated going the wrong way on the Loop and up to Spring, the Douglass Loop, and home (that's 3 loops today). after i got onto spring i sort of ran out of gas. a good total for the day with some great weather.
20.5 miles/6 a.m. at 14.6 avg/14.5m p.m./avg ??/77 and sunny
i have a couple more nuggets to ingest. first was concerning a funny convo i had with 'cheryl' today. she wanted it know that, while i thought it funny to have 'lance' and 'cheryl' in the blog, she is NOT attached to 'lance' in any way. i'm still wondering if it's latent, but she seemed quite emphatic. we'll keep the 'lance/cheryl' connection on the to watch list, just for fun.
also, i got some goodies in the mail yesterday, a new Brooks B-17 Narrow for the Litespeed. i may have mentioned that i moved the B-17 to the LHT after i bought it. i like the b-17 alot, so i decided to go with the narrow as i'm used to roadie seats. it will go on the Blueridge soon, and i'll be looking forward to breaking that one in with some good road time, and not just commute time. on a sad note there, i bought my previous Brooks from WallBike online. i've come to find out that WallBike is in New Orleans. the last time i was on their site, it was down or they were closed. don't remember. but here's hoping they came through Katrina in tact.
i've been reading up on Buddhism lately, finding many appealing aspects. i attend a Christian church, and grew up Southern Baptist, but that experience sullied what religion is for me. it seems that the swell of fundamentalism from all the major religions, Christian, Muslim, Jew and Hindu, don't make for an attractive package, as the people of the "word" seems to be causing the probs instead of solving them. Buddhism is very motivated with the mind, the intellect, compassion, unconditional love, and the notion of interconnectedness, all precepts i either agree with or aspire to incorporate. i don't think i could ever totally follow all aspects; you never realize who much even a religion you disagree with (and grew up with) can influence your fundamental worldview. but i've found enough there for more study. i think in disturbing times i am looking for ways to help, and not ways to hurt. rabid xenophobia, prejudice and dogmatic ire are creating a more dangerous world, and those in power are contributing perhaps most of all. 'faith-based' programs, vouchers, the pledge as doctrine, and most importantly 'intelligent design' for someone in education all make me want to vomit. but screaming at ignorant, uninformed people won't help. reason, logic, and calm can help more.
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