Monday, October 31, 2005


well, i'm back after a 2 week absence. is there any reason for this? well, in a way no. i just haven't had much to say. this is primarily a bike blog, and my absence reflects that, for some strange reason, i haven't been on the bike. in the last two weeks, i have two commutes to my name and a big, fat nothing otherwise. last week was a quite hectic one at work, but the ultimate excuse is that it turned cold and i turned lazy, not wanting to get the extra layers on and really wanting to steal that .45 of sleep plus an easier way to work. lame and lazy.

so today i had to turn the tide, but what a morning it was. in some semblance of order, i experienced the following: i woke up at 2.30 for some pathetic reason and stayed up until 4.15 or so. if i had made plans to skip work, i wouldv'e b/c the day can't improve on that. i get ready for the commute but ran a little late, so i was in hustle mode, which... well, i end up packed but unable to find my housekeyes. no biggie except...i found myself out in the driveway with no helmet, b/c it was in the garage, but no housekeys to get the garage key which had the helmet. i'm seriously not of the persuasion of riding to work with no helmet, but i wasn't going to wake the whole family so i rode. well, i then noticed that both rear flashers seem weak. i don't know if it's the temp or what, but they got fresh batteries not terribly long ago, so don't know what the deal is. and FINALLY for some ridiculous reason my generator light isn't working either. i checked the connections, but no juice, so the only assumption is that i busted a bulb somehow. i DID ride to work, no headlight, no helmet, but did get the mileage in.

afternoon contained a sidetrip to Central Pk and then straight home for pressing family stuff. i could tell the roughly two weeks off, and i've promised myself somehow i'm going to get my 5 days in this week..

i did do abbreviated yoga a couple mornings last week, and you know, that seems to be 1o minutes well spent. i think i'm going to modify my mornings some more to integrate that.

14m total/6 a.m./8 p.m./72 and glorious in the p.m.

i was ready for fall, but that low 70s and sun thing is hard to beat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, you are providing a great resource! Regards,
Crazy Palomino

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