Wednesday, November 23, 2005

lights and schwag

well, monday proved the apex of the early week, as i completely pussied out the last two days. no rain, temps 30-45, and i just didn't get my fat ass out of bed. i love all the folks who speak of invigorating rides in the cool (read frigid and bonechilling) a.m. air, but i just don't like it. as stated, i'm a pussy.

given that the shimano lightbulb burnt out, i've been researching options, mostly through Peter White's site. he's prone to old-school virtures and parts. he told me point blank that the shimano was crap. now, i would normally approach this with trepidation, that any businessman wants to sell crap. BUT, research on the shimano seems to lead to the damn thing being a european product which really isn't found in the states. the only website hits were in german, and one in czech. seems the ebay guy i bought the Surly from knew something about getting rid of unwanted/crappy stuff, much like the cheesy brakelevers. i won't gripe though. the rest of the LHT/Deore package (now with a Brooks B-17) is great. looks like i'm probably going to buy a new light from peterwhite, in the $50-60 range. i have the perfectly functional rechargable niterider, but that generator light sure is nice for commuting purposes. we'll see.

also in perusing offerings i've developed a hankering for a Carradice bag. i'm not overly nor underly enamored of my C'dale panniers. the left-side one, the one i use the most by far given it's relation to road traffic, has an unstitched zipper (which admitedly can be sewed/sewn). i think more than anything i'd like to unload the tail end a bit. the rack with the bulky panniers makes for a heft load. the prob is that the Carradice bags seems pretty damn big. i need a mid-sized one since, if there were a need of a megaload, i could put the detachable pannier rack on and just load up full. ultimately, i don't need one, but i think bikers, and in particular commuter types, are always looking for the edge, whether it be new panniers, a better light, new saddles, etc.

total price for new light/carradice bag/support rack would be 55+90+40 or so. that's practially $200, which is frankly excessive. but a generator light would be gravy. in fact, online i've decided that i'll go only with the light and pick up the bag down the road.

following is a pic of our Cumberland Falls trip. the digital camera went caput on the trip (bad lens?), so i finally got them burned to a disc. this is a straighforward pic of the falls, with a little foreground foliage for fun (how's that for alliteration). my dial-up makes uploading these images take for freakin' ever. i'd like to add a few here and there. if i can get the pics thing going, i'd like to do a little bike story of the different mounts i have. i wish my figure matched all the damn hardware i have. one day

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