Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Crap, Ears again

Date: Jan. 2
Mileage: 6
Ride type: Commute
Temp: 44 a.m.
January mileage: 36
Year to date: 36

i may have an explanation for why i ran out of gas on my Monday 1/1 ride, but first i'll have to get to Tuesday. tuesday a.m. i set out for a standard commute. it was pretty warm, so i didn't have to layer too much. since the LHT is still awaiting parts, i fixed the C'dale back up to do the task, adding a taillight, pannier and Niterider headlight. i was good to go. i went straight to work b/c this week after the holidays is a busy one. well, during the day i began to feel like crap, especially mid-afternoon when it was time to start thinking about the commute home. longstoryshort, i hitched a ride with neighbor J, who lives quite close, and left the bike and everything else at work. fact is my left ear was pounding; the "ear thang" had come back in force. whatever the case, i was still sick/sick again and pissed.

Wednesday, yesterday brought another batch of serious BS, as i found out the state of KY, which is now processing insurance, managed to not get me in the system, though i DID enter the info in October like i was supposed to, so in effect, we didn't have any insurance, and therefore i couldn't/can't go the the doctor without paying out of pocket. F@#$ing B2#$@#t, no good F@$@#ing, @#$@#$. boy, what a pain, and in pain to boot.

today, thursday, the fine fellow with whom i spoke with the state of KY, made some calls, and fixed the insurance thing for me. i also got some info about an ear/nose/throat guy that i'm going to for this ear thing. until that's resolved, i'm not going to be getting much cycling done.

on a bike level, the shifters and diacompe v-brake levers are in, so the LHT will be nicely tricked soon. it's in the shop at Clarksville with compotent mechanics, and i'll happily pay for that opportunity.

and finally, i stole an idea from "VelociPete", who apparently stole it Jill @ from "". it's the daily thing that i do some, but adds the total mileage thing which i like. something slightly new.

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