Sunday, January 08, 2006

Date: Jan. 7
Mileage: 2
Ride type: Errands
Temp: 47 p.m.
January mileage: 38
Year to date: 38

i didn't quite manage a "real ride" today. we drove out to Shelby County to look at a piece of very crappy property. by the time we got back, i was ready for RnR, and that doesn't mean Ride-n-Recovery.

so i got the LHT out with the bike lock to head up to the "BEER DEPOT" as it's labelled on the sign. it's got one of those great walk-in coolers. 4pack of Guiness and 4pack of Boddingtons. i also stopped by Walgreens to find small batteries for an old Echo bikecomputer. one of the travesties in the whole LHT projects is that i managed to get the wire from the LHT's Cateye wrapped up in the front wheel, and i subsequently snapped the wire. i'm in no position to spend more damn $$ on this project, so into the bike box i went. i rooted around and found the ECHO computer that i think was on the Bridgestone at one point. i even found the box and instructions. i also tried to find the components for a Nashbar cordless that i own. unfortunately, i never mounted it on anything, nor can i find the fork gizmo, nor the box either.

so batteries for the ECHO. and a whopping 2mile errand ride. i like the 'Staches though, at this point.

**i'm trying, at this very moment, to figure out how to post this to a Saturday post (1/7). i'm too limited though.

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