although my health has been complete garbage for something like 3 weeks now, i hope to make progress with a trip to the ear/nose/throat guy on Monday. maybe some relief will come.
On the bike front, i'm also getting closer to having project LHT finished up as well. i picked the bike up from Clarksville Schwinn today, with bar-ends, diacompe levers, moustaches wrapped. i didn't have too much time for a try-out, but intend to tomorrow depending on how i feel. i do know the prelimenaries are promising. i spend an unfortunate huge wad for this all.
i also mounted the Nelson Longflap form peterwhitecyles. got it nice and snug on the saddle tabs. I think the extra room will be the key, and if not, then the hell with it. it'll have to be!!
NOW, with much concern and confusion, i hesitate but have to mention that the latest Lumotec, this time a halogen SensoPlus has the same F@#$ing problem that the other one does- it won't turn off with the wheel in motion. this p.m. i've turned my mind back to the first Shimano light that was on there. I know for a damn fact that it turned off, so there is an obvious mystery at hand. i am also hampered by my lack of electrical knowledge, but hey, i'm learning. before i make any electrical statements, i'm going to spend a smidge of time doing a little studying and thinking. i'm also going to take the old light apart and looking at the switch design.
There has to be a reason, and i'm going to find it, b/c i refuse to send another light back due to my incompotence.
i will prob takes pics this fin de semana to post. Chris @ Clarksville said it was moreorless an ugly damn bike, which i appreciated. i think it's one of a few in Lou. with this type of usage. lots of typical roadbikes, mt.bikes, and a few 'bents, but none like this.
at some point, i think i'm going to get a smaller Carradice bag for the Litespeed. i reallly intend on ramping my mileage up this summer, and a decent bag to hold essentials, in my mind, is a good idea.
more to come.
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