Date: Feb. 16
Mileage: 3
Temp: 60 (a.m.)
February mileage: 6
Year to date: 6
it was one of those tennis days. i had had a funky night's sleep, and lo and behold woke up at 4.55. at first i was committed to try to catch another hour, but then bounced up and made myself doing something with my "good fortune" and catch a run before work- my lauded goal this spring during tennis season.
since i don't like to jog, there's nothing to report save listening to Outkast and GBV and getting in around 3 slow miles. it was great weather, at 60 or something this a.m.
of course, with the warmth and the wind it rained this afternoon, hence forth cancelling tennis. FBS. could've ridden after all. tomorrow is a teacher-only day, so i'm on the bike, hands to Jesus!
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