Date: July 19
Mileage: 16.5
Ride type: Road
Bike: RB-1
Temp: 75, muggy (a.m.)
July mileage: 178.5
Year to date: 916.5
spent some time last night noodling around the net, and came across some Bridgestone pages at Sheldon Brown's website. His overall site is a treasure trove for cyclists of all types, but certainly for those Functionalists, Randonneur, and Rivendell stylists. I bought my Bridgestone RB-1 (yellow scheme) back in the early-to-mid 90's used from a shop employee. He gave me a really nice deal. It was my primary bike for 4 years or so until i was gifted my Litespeed Blueridge. even in the 90s i was looking for something less racy and more functional. i did put quite a few miles on the RB-1, but haven't done so lately given my other options, but do use it for my trainer bike in winter, that is, the few times i ride the rat wheel in winter..
Concerning the RB-1 setup, it's great. It's extremely stable, cornering with ease and assurance. the components package works like clockwork, and the overall fit is excellent. the biggest prob i have right now is that the lowest gear is a 40x23. you heard right, a 47" climbing ratio. that's a gear i just cannot push for climbing now. not at all. one time i tried to get my LBS to set my up with a new freewheel, but they wanted me to get a new wheel built instead. i said "no".
nonetheless, the Sprawls boys were going out again this a.m. for their usual 7.00, so i tagged along, this time on the RB-1. they don't climb much but do hold a steady pace on the flats, so the Bridgestone is great for that. we cruise at about 16-18, but fortunately slow down here or there when needed. might have to load some pics of all these damn bikes at some point.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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