Date: Sept 15
Mileage: 18
Ride type: Commute
Bike: Rans
Temp: 81 sunny, humid
September mileage: 155
Year to date: 1417
a good commuting day riding with two different comrades. i took the Rans today for a Friday changeofpace. about half way through i saw a blinking tail light, the tale-tell signs of another morning commuter- which is rare occurance in the 'Ville. when i finally caught up to him, i found that it was a co-worker, 'Darryl'. i rode with him last year one time. he actually lives quite close to the house, but he's rather, no very, slow. today he was doing his first commute in while. his set-up included his work clothes- he rationalized that it wasn't too warm and he hoped he wouldn't sweat-, a bag slung over his shoulder, and that about it. he rides a Giant roadbike, which is perfectly fine except that someone should've sold him a hybrid b/c it fits his riding style so much more. i'll give 'darryl' kudos b/c i think he's sped up since last year; Good for him! the morning included the auspicious (sic- i don't know what that is exactly, but i used "inauspicious" incorrectly again. the last time the good wife made note, so this time i've fixed after-the-fact. isn't "sic" what you see in the newspaper for some editing move?) event of 'darryl' falling, at least partially b/c of me. he goes in to work in on a different route than i. at Goss, where he turns south, i turned north. this confused him, causing him somehow to fall. it seemed somewhat in slow motion, and there were no lasting effects. but i felt pretty bad to help lead to a 'novice' ditching on his side at 6.45a.m. and he's sort of old too.
the afternoon proved less dangerous. i went with 'sheryl' over to Frankfot Avenue, and then home through Seneca. the mileage is rather approximated, but it's pretty close i think. i felt like i was finding the legs all day. in the a.m. i was slow and stiff, but in the p.m. i had to hold back riding with 'sheryl'. well, this proved the case until going up 'Chauffers Hill' in Cherokee. it's quite steep and on the Rans i was a dead duck. i ran out of gas about 3/4 of the way up and just died. like always, a fat little Belgian who can make pace on the flats, but has no climbing gene at ALL. nice day though
The little sic is normally used to call out that the original author was an idiot, according to my editor wife. People use it when quoting material that has a typo or other unclear meaning. It basically tells you that the mistake was in the original text.
which, in a way, is right. there was a mistake in the original text which i, self-editor, fixed. i feel good to not have erred too drastically. thanks pete!
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