You're The Sound and the Fury!
by William Faulkner
Strong-willed but deeply confused, you are trying to come to grips with a major crisis in your life. You can see many different perspectives on the issue, but you're mostly overwhelmed with despair at what you've lost. People often have a hard time understanding you, but they have some vague sense that you must be brilliant anyway. Ultimately, you signify nothing.
while it's unfortunate i can't remember the link, the funny thing is that this absolutely does fit me to a "T". "confused", "coming to grips", "different perspectives " (could be bi-polar, right?), "overwhelmed with despair", "brilliant anyway" ( i like that one). but "ultimately, you signify nothing". great ending. so succinct. so apt.
didn't ride today. first morning of fall soccer. Z managed to attack L today after lunch. a 10 yr-old (less than 2 weeks to 11) bit, and i mean bit hard enough to make a bruise, his 7 yr-old bro on the arm. WTF? and i mean que me jode! i'm pissed, but more importantly, i'm confused. totally bizarre. like a savage 3 yrold going off on a tantrum. Sigh. after that, i went down to the basement and did a dumbell lifting session, something i hadn't done since early summer. i might need to extra strenght to beat him down when he's 16 and towering over me.
and let's hope the Cards lose to Miami today. i need something to gloat over. please find a way to shut all these Cards fans up!
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