Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cycling Tribes

Date: Sept 27
Mileage: 24
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 58.m./80p.m.
September mileage: 303
Year to date: 1566

yesterday i meant to discuss various cycling tribes, but was distracted by Jim's post about environmental religion. today, though, my mind is refocused on the disparities amongsts the various "tribes" that ride bikes. back in my early 20's, i just assumed everyone who rode bikes was somehow banded together in a commune cause of unity. little did i know that i was nothing more than an oblivious youth. i don't really know about other places, but in Louisville we have a couple distinct cycling tribes. the most prevelent is, of course, the lycra crowd. i've been giving this posse more and more grief of late, some i'm sure undeserved. por otro lado, they're a pretty difficult group is some ways. while cycling can be viewed as utilitarian and even "eco-friendly", the lycra crowd is often the antithesis of that. they seem to relish driving SUVs. they seem to be somewhat Socially (or athletically) Darwinistic, which reeks of Republican elitism, of which many are members. they seem to ride their bikes much like they drive their Lexus'. don't know. i'm probably stupid and wrong. they just don't wave very much.

the next tribe in Louisville, i guess, shit, i don't know if there IS a 2nd tribe. oh, i have it. it's the 22 yr-old hipster fixed-gear set that roams up and down Bardstown Rd. riding on sidewalks and accessorizing with chains and funny hats and such. they look like they're having more fun than the lycra set, but they may not be doing the best work for bike-rights given that they break the law 10x/mile. i'm too old for this group, but if i were 19 again, i think i would have to try.

there is a small third tribe in the 'Ville, one that mostly (seemingly) rides Mt.bikes and drinks beer at Cumberland brews. again, that would prob be a fun group, although so of the mtbikers i've been around in the past seem to have just gotten a tattoo after they sold their latest Camaro...or Jeep.

i'm sure there is a racer set too. i never race and henceforth am never around this tribe. i used to race cyclocross a bit, and when i sort of drifted off of that, the racer set was coming in to 'cross. 'Cross sure is fun, so i can stand some racers as long as they let me have fun in the C race. BUT i think a good-sized group of TypeA jerks that inhabit the very first lycra tribe are the oneandthesamehere.

and finally you have all the leftovers. the only reason i started thinking of this was that yesterday i ran across 'lance's' fixed-gear friend that i had met/seen perhaps a month ago. he was the one on the KHS fixie. yesterday he almost caught me on a hill. he turned towards Frankfort ave., and i later ran in behind him again. don't know if he noticed me, but he started moving at a 21-22mph clip on his fixie. i felt comfortable for a while, but eventually gave up the ghost. afterwards, i though to myself "where does he belong?". he on a fixie, but he's probably 50 yrsold. and where does the lady i saw today fit? she was perhaps 50 again, riding a LBS Rans with her backpack attached, doing the commuting thing. is she part of the 'Bent set? really, i should include the Louisville-area 'Bent crowd in there. they have their own listserve, and i think are pretty active. don't seem them often, but they're prob a "tribe" too.

where do all the black guys and mexican guys belong? do you call them cyclists? or do they just ride their bike to work while the lycra crowd drives the SUV home to put the bike in the back?

where does 'lance' fit? i think he actually is more of a kayaker who rides his bike than vice versa. BUT he rides his bike more miles than i do in a given year, given that i lose March/April/May. and 'sheryl'. she's no cyclist really, but she does ride that bike.

(cheap ass pic of a tribe. lame!)

i don't think any of it matters, but again i think that cyclists are varied in their ways and still do not present any kind of unified front in the political process. the evagelical christians sure as hell do. guess, though, they all commonly want gays burned alive and creationism as the national scientific curriculum.

wonderful day of riding today. warm. sunny. breezy in a good way. got good mileage after school good. good. good.

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