Date: Sept 26
Mileage: 19
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 53.m./75p.m.
September mileage: 279
Year to date: 1542
the city is digging out from the minor flooding from Friday night. i say "minor" in that our basement, Gracias a Dios, wasn't damaged, but there is many a trash pile on many city streets. the combo of trash piles and funky-smelling water in the various creeks- mainly branches of Beargrass Creek sewage and water runoff- make for a somewhat nasty-smelling city. mind you, i sure it's not as bad as, say, New Orleans, but it's somewhat funky for bike commuting purposes.
the temps are great though. mid-70s and sunny for the afternoons. i'm really liking the sandals, and the weather to boot. my legs are a little tired after 3 days of solid riding. i would like to finish Sept. w/ a bang, mostly b/c i haven't done the mileage rides that i did last fall.
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