Date: Sept 9
Mileage: 4+2
Ride type: Errand
Bike: RedlineSS
September mileage: 74
Year to date: 1346
no big ride, but 2 quickies in the 'hood. i've stated, and i'll state every time, that these are the rides to take, even though gas prices here in the 'Ville have dropped to the $2.30 range. that's quite surprising. i figured once the Evil Empire was soaking everybody at $3.00/gallon it was no going back, but that shows how i performed in university econ classes.
in the a.m. i went to see a high school cross-country race relatively close to the house. man, i wish sometimes that i were a jogger. they always seem so lean and fit and just dart around like gazelles. i'm more...hmm having a hard time coming up with an animal analogy...possum-like, only abit more intelligent.
later in the day i went again to the gas station to get lawnmower gas. i have an old-fashioned rotary, but it really does work like shit. i'll use it every nowandthen, but instead i only tend to mow about every 2 weeks, and sometimes longer in between. i read that 1hour of lawnmowing creates as much pollution as an hour of driving and i cringe to mow. oh the ethical conundrums we face! oh to be an oblivious accountant in some wasteland suburban office!
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