Friday, September 08, 2006

"Joly Conejos"

Date: Sept 8
Mileage: 16+4
Ride type: Commute+Errand
Bike: Rans
Temp: 60a.m./88 p.m.
September mileage: 68
Year to date: 1340

a good commute today. having dropped the LHT off yesterday, today i put myself back on the Rans. i tell you, i'm getting more and more used the the 'bent thang. i'll never fully convert, but it makes for a nice, quick (flats and downhill) commuter bike. in the afternoon i hooked up with 'lance' and 'sheryl'. it's been a good while, but we did the 3 miles to 'sheryl's' and then i worked my way home from there. the title (think Spanish, not "jolly") refers to the pinche bunny that actually jumped in front of my front wheel this a.m. i've certainly almost hit squirrels, but never a rabbit!

i added on 4 more miles on a neighborhood ride this late p.m. a group of very good folks from my Mexico trip summer '05 met up at a local Mexican joint. i was traveling separately from the good wife and munchkins, so i endeavoured to ride instead of drive. it's just flat out one of those local rides that a substantially greater % of the populace should do. will it happen? Hell Naw! man, the ride home was difficult though. going there i really opened up the cadence inandaround the local expressway. on the way home, though, my full-of-food-and-beer stomach felt like it was going to burst forth with an odious torrent. i also was on the fixie, which didn't exactly contribute to a more demure, peaceful ride.

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