Date: Sept 25
Mileage: 31
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 70 and blue sky!!(again!)
September mileage: 260
Year to date: 1523
finally a long day on the commute. headed west towards Shawnee Pk., leaving out portions of the Riverwalk b/c of potential flooding. continued towards Frankfort Ave, up that and across Seneca and home. my legs were a little tired from yesterday, but i tried to keep a steady tempo. there was a pretty stiff wind coming from the west, so that got me in the early miles, but i had it easy for the long sweep up the river. 2 sartorial notes. #1 i used the clipped Lakes today. likes them alot. it's a wierd temp combo for them right now, as the upper60s can be a bit chilly on bare toes. #2 is much better. i wore the Phloyd tshirt i bough back in July. it's far enough away, and heck, it's just a shirt. Go Phloyd!! maybe he'll get off (with 10x above the legal limit, it's doubtful.)
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