Tuesday, September 19, 2006

los olores II

yesterday's title was a harbinger of things to come in the household today. firstly, i woke up again at something like 4.45. don't know if it's the body clock, the system, the coffee, the beer, the diet the something, but i haven't been sleeping well and it's wearing on me. i had MORE than enough time to ride to work, but my stomach was bothering me and i felt like crap, so i drove, running an errand along the way. no ride. boo hoo.

this afternoon i had to finally take action against the kitchen. we've had this funky, musty, nasty smell coming from it for days. the good wife has been pouring all kinds of bleach et. al. into the sink, since the smell was centralized there. with some info from 'lance' and some guidance from neighbor Eric i first tackled the dishwasher. i had entertained thoughts of taking the damn thing out, but apparently- according to Eric- i was able to take off the bottom panel and see quite a bit. no water damage there creating brain-eating mold.

i next tackled the sink trap. Eric has maintained through this that disposals (sp?) get REALLY nasty through the years, and that was/is the villian. 'lance' also told me that taking the trap off a sink drain is pretty easy, so that's the route i took. i figured that if i could rule out water behind the dishwasher (and it smelled in and around there) and that the trap was clear and not too funky, then the disposal would be the last resort and we would have to pay for a plomero. it was a breeze taking it off, and lo and behold, i found some almost indescribable entity living in the drain pipe. it was a 4" long fungus thing, black, grey, brown, and apparently affixed on the upper part of the pipe. from there little bitty bits would be eaten off by the bleach, but the main body of "it" would remain. maybe it's not the source of the smell, but it sure as hell looked like it could smell up the funk! i cleared out trap and used the outdoor water hose to blow "it" further down the drain. i'm serious. "it" looked like something out the the GameCube game "Metroid Prime", toxic ooze on the wall.

hope it works. i have a headache now and have to go to a meeting at work. i had the chance to commute not once but twice today, but it ain't gonna' happen.

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