Date: Sept 18
Mileage: 18
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 74 rainy
September mileage: 173
Year to date: 1436
my mundane a.m. commute was made interesting by a bunch of police cars at Shelby and Oak this morning- or at least i think those are the streets. no, could be Preston and Oak. i tried to take a left on my trusty route onto Preston when lo and behold a cop car was blocking the road, as well as the route of a bus. up the street at the intersection were several other police cars with their lights on. don't know if someone had been hit or what, but it confused my route a bit, throwing me into discomfort. unless i wanted to backtrack, it forced me to cross under 65 and endure all the interchange craziness that take place around there. you feel like someone in a hurry is going to sideswipe you trying to exit the interstate. i made it through safely, but uncomfortable nonetheless.
the p.m. provide 2 circumstance of a not-common phenomenon of smell memory. i doesn't happen nearly as often as deja vu, for example. you're rolling along minding your own business when all of a sudden WHAM!!!!, a strong smell hits you in the face. it's not noxious nor delightful nor sweet nor sour, it's just a smell that throws you back to another time. in this case, the first was a certain tree or shrub. i was in Old Louisville when the smell transported me back to childhood and woods and creeks and undergrowth. there's a chance that it was a Sycamore or a Gumball, but it's a distinct one. there's a chance that it's a tree from my friend Vince's backyard, one in which we played really often.
the 2nd was cigarette smoke from two folks in front of a home on Shelby. funnily enough, whether it was the brand or whatever, it reminded me exactly or smokey, filthy bars in Spain, all throughout Spain. they still smoke like chimneys, and this one scent took me back to all those great holes-in-the-wall that i've visited before. strange.
i wanted to go more mileage today, but all the radars have shown bigtime rain, and i just wasn't that much in the mood today for a soaking.
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