Date: Oct 4
Mileage: 15
Ride type: Commute
Bike: 9.2.5. fixie
Temp: 86!!! Wow, that's hot for October!!
October mileage: 70
Year to date: 1689
really nothing to report. with the LHT experience bag problems (don't you hate those in a variety of contexts), i jumped on the fixie this a.m. for the commuting experience. i've been so keyed up and pissed off about other stuff- mostly humanity-, that i've basically commuted there-n-back without too much adventure. i couldn't ride the fixie all the time, but it sure is fun about once a week or so. i certainly couldn't ride mine 60 miles through the hills, but it's a great machine for a city commute, and i assume Redline titled it the 9.2.5 for a reason...and it works for me. after a long rest, it may be time to pump some life back into the Blueridge and get a mileage ride in this weekend. we'll see, but i'm feeling a longer ride coming on. mind you, no "longish" from the perspective of doug @ MnBicycleCommuter.
1 comment:
Sorry to set the bar so high...just go out and ride your own ride and have fun!
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