Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ugghh II

man, what a bizarro day, with respects to food, exercise and the physical being. ate like shit for breakfast. then around 4.00 i grilled burgers and the good wife made veggies and a fruit salad. later, we went to see "How to eat Fried Worms" with the boys. i rather liked it for a kids' movie. we (and mostly i) had the perfunctory palomitas at the movie, but by movie end i felt sort of "icky". i'd decided to walk a bit of the way home to make up for no ride earlier, and so i jump out of the car (not moving. i'm not that butch) about 2ish miles away and had a nice, refreshing, brisk walk home, stopping along the way to quickly answer nature's call. once home, i fell asleep almost immediately. THEN, about 3.00a.m. i woke up feeling like total crap, i guess from a combo of wine, popcorn and hell i don't know what else. i'm trying to reconcile those days when i eat like shit and feel fine, and yesterday, when i didn't eat that badly but felt like barfing at 3 in the morning. frustrating. so i ended the night in the chair upstairs for fear of waking anyone.

maybe it was the worms. :-)

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