Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dia de Guajalote

Date: Nov 23
Mileage: 10
Ride type: Bike Jog
Bike: LHT
Temp: 33
November mileage: 289
Year to date: 2103

it's Turkey Day. my big plan was to go out for about 20m this a.m., but yesterday's slugfest gave me tired legs. instead i moseyed around, one of my 'Bike Jogs'. the first part of the journey proved slightly interesting, as i decided to check on the progress of the 'zoo path' as i'll call the path being constructed along the creek behind the zoo. to my surprise, a bit more had been built, and it seemed that the area along the fence was passable. i took the opportunity to go exploring a bit, going down the fencerow looking for a way through. i then came to a creek/ditch, but again the fencerow up the hill looked doable, so i trudge, bike in hand, up the hill. oh well, of course the path was blocked eventually AND i snagged my jersey on a stray piece of barb-wire. i slowly and steadily trudged back to trail and off i went. the one benefit of that little sojourn was that i warmed up some. if i overdressed yesterday, i underdressed today, at least until my hike.

from there i just roamed around the neighborhood, eventually passing this fine joint next to the park. i love the garden layout of this house, somewhat unviewable in this pic. the house sits in front of an unsymmetrical lawn-sort of kidney shaped- bounded on both sides by fine stands of trees and shrubs. it's as 'English Countryside' as you can get in the area. i'd live there. i could've gone for more miles, but my legs were telling me to take it easy, which i did. tomorrow is forecasting very warm temps, but we're going out of town mid-afternoon. henceforth, if i want miles they will be in the cold in the a.m.

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