Date: Nov 20
Mileage: 25 (19pm)
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 33a.m./43p.m.
November mileage: 217
Year to date: 2031
first snow of the winter season. nothing more than a light dusting on the cars and a little bit on the ground herenthere. i've heard winter weather patterns may be severe here, so we'll see. may have to buy some Nokia studded tires for the commuter. probably not, but it's fun to say at least.
in the p.m. i rode shortly with 'sheryl'. first time in a while. she's finally not talking about working out b/c she's apparently burned out from marathon training. she needs to chill anyway. i then meandered all over the place around the parks. let's see: around Collegiate School, through flat part of Cherokee, along just south of Lexington Rd. neighborhood near Dick and Janie's, St. Matthews behind Seneca, through Dave Crawford's general area, over to Cherokee, up steepass hill to chauffer's rest, home via Seneca Gds. took lots of side streets and a few dead ends just for fun. found the Breckenridge cemetary. they were an original family of Louisville and numerous things are named for them in town. the cemetery is near to where their huge farm was located. now, of course, it's a bunch of shitty restaurants and the like and a gated, walled McMansion community. i can barely remember the farm in town, probably one of the last large tracts of land (and farms) left inside the Watterson Expswy. i didn't climb in the cemetery, but one large tombstone had a date of death of 1833. old stuff! and a good brisk day of riding. we're out Wed,Th,Fr and the weekend, so i'm going to try and get good mileage each day, if anything to keep off the pecan and pumpkin pie.
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