Saturday, November 25, 2006


after some leaf maintainence this tarde, i set about diddling in the garage a bit. you may (fortunately) be unable to see how pinche jumbled up the garage is. between my many bikes, the boys random crap, garden crap, and other crap, it's really quite full in there. i did improve things hanging some bikes this fall, but i need to get a few out of there. it's donation time, i think.

i took the broken spoke from this morning's ride to Clarksville, where they gave me good, pronto service. while there, i decided to buy some new tires for the LHT. i've stated before that i've not been that happy with the Conti Avenues. the compound, in combo with the interiorlayerthingamajig, is too soft and has given me flats. No me gustan. so, i bought some Serfas "Drifter 2.0"s to replace the Contis, which i found were 1.3". well, the "Serfas are damn big, perhaps too big, but i mounted them anyway. they barely fit the brakes and fenders, so i'm undecided whether i'm going to keep them or move down to a 1.75" tire. here is a pic of the present LHT with the mondo tires. i'm calling it "mini-pugs" in honor of the Pugsley. those tires are damn big. if the Bleriot becomes a reality, the LHT will get the rear rack reattached and will become a battle axe/damn heavy commuter. i'll put the Carradice on the Bleriot supported by a mini-rack.

p.s. nice extension cord, no?


Doug said...

I really like your LHT (that Bridgestone in the back looks great, too). The one bike that seems to missing from my group, now that I'm into some bigger mileage is an "all-day' comfort bike. A bike that I could also use for some future bike touring. I can't decide if I should get a LHT or make that bike the hand-made steel lugged frame dream bike I've been considering??? The dream bike is a few years off, I'm still paying for the Pugs.

Frostbike said...

Your garage looks as bad as mine!

LvilleTex said...

pete, i was inspired to hang them in back after you posted your pic a while ago.

i like my LHT very much for commuting purposes. i'm not so sure i would call it an "all-day" bike, though. perhaps if you had the 700C instead of my 26". now the Bleriot...

Michael Lemberger said...

Hmmm...fatties really do fit fine. Thinking about slapping some 49c Schwalbes on my Trucker, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Funny that we both own a Long Haul Trucker, a Cross Check, a Trek 400 and a Burley D'Lite. Synchrony-city.

Speaking of which, glad to know I'm not the only one with a line of bikes hanging in the back of the garage (and parked everywhere else in the garage too...)

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