Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bleriot build

Here are some pics of the build. It mostly shows how jumbled with shit my garage is- bikes, grandma's table, garden shit, boys' bikes, more crap.

Shortly after out-of-box. Jim @ Hiawatha had it pretty simple, w/ brakes, derailers, bars, and whatnot attached.

I really like this image of the brown nose of the Brooks peeking out. It's an upgraded Ti model. VERY nice!!

No one's fault, but the styrofoam block protecting the chainrings managed to self-destruct. The first 15 minutes was spent wiping away tiny styrofoam balls, which are now excessively littering the garage floor. They were everywhere!

Nice pic of the Brook, with special large rivets. I think it's a competition model or something; I don't exactly remember, but it's an upgrade of a standard B-17.

Shitty pic of Jim's handiwork. I asked for a nice bar treatment & this is topnotch.

Last pic from tonight. I ran out of light for any good full-bike images, but this is from further down the street, with the sunset just above the shiny Nitto Noodles. Yummy!


Doug said...

Lookin good!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the bike made it safely. The most expensive bike I ever sold was destroyed en route. UPS ultimately paid for the damages (long after I replaced the damaged parts out of pocket), but it was a stressful experience nonetheless. Now I am always relieved to hear that they arrive without damage (aside from Styrofoam mishaps). Enjoy!

peddlinshutterbug said...

I love the new bike, especially the seat. I have the same seat on my Bianchi touring bike.. I LOVE mine. thanks for the nice compliments on my photoes. Hope you have a very happy new year

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