Date: Dec 4
Mileage: 18
Ride type: Commute
Bike: LHT
Temp: 20Fam/29Fpm
December mileage: 81
Year to date: 2319
had an adventurous ride today...not in a good way. this a.m. the temps were 20F, which is a bit chilly for my 'Ville riding. i did a good job bundling up and had no real problems getting to work via my usual 7m course. big prob was that i couldn't seem to get going, which is to say i think it as one of my slowest rides ever, maybe averaging 10mph or so. damn slow, but the legs didn't seem to want to move.
oh, and my room didn't have any heat today. boiler down. and the good wife's store didn't have any either. obviously we need to deal better with our cold weather preparation here in Kantucke.
the afternoon proved, well, challenging. the temps were better and i was comfortable. the big and positive step was riding in my cheap Target "outdoor" shoes- ones i bought for yardwork- with 3 pairs of socks on. my feet were adequate in the a.m. and warm in the p.m. i took a little extra mileage up and around Frankfort going through alleys to avoid the wind. somewhere in there my rear derailer (Sheldon Brown spelling). i stopped perhaps 4 times trying to adjust the barrel, and finally the Solution. Bent link. actually, broken link sort of stuck in one of the pulleys. dicey repair job at 29F. i was close enough that i jogged/walked/coasted home; no harm done. but i'll have to use those magical mechanical skills of mine to replace the link or deal with the chain.
Mechanical issues are a whole 'nother level of problems when it's cold out. I (knock wood) didn't have any major mechanicals last winter, and I'm hoping to get through this year too. Probably means I should up my regularlly scheduled maintenence program.
Tex said: "...big prob was that i couldn't seem to get going..."
I experience this every year on those first few cold weather rides. The body really needs to acclimate to the cold weather. It's in shock mode when it's not used to it.
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