I guess I have a little insight into my "rut" from Thursday. Felt like total crap all day Friday. There were 2 different posses heading out from work Friday, but instead I went home and slept for 2.5 hrs and have since laid around like a total vegetable, no, make that compost pile, or just steaming pile. I'm not near death, but I still pretty much feel like shit. Friday p.m. weather was nice, and today's weather up until mid-afternoon was great. I could've sneaked out for a ride in the low 50s before the boys' bball started. But No.
I have a feeling I'll feel chipper enough tomorrow, but of course the cold front moving through will take us from 50F to 25F. That doesn't sound like the best conditions post-virus.
I found a link today on Youtube. Someone posted various segments of old Paris-Roubaix footage from the 80s. It's really quite cool to see Kelly, Lemond, Vanderaerden, and Madiot in action. I have a pretty bitter taste in the old mouth from the EPO era, so at least I can harken back to an age when it was speed and various amphetamines.
My wife told me that Monday was supposed to be the unofficial worst day of the year. You know...Christmas buzz has worn off...no holidays for a long time...cold...rainy...flu season. So there's a lot of rut running around. Take it easy and get to feeling better.
BTW, will be in town for B's 40th B-day in two weeks.
give me a call thug, er Dug
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