Sunday, February 11, 2007


Date: Feb 11 Sun
Mileage: 21 (Bleriot)
February mileage: 56
Year to date: 329

Nice, a great 3-start ride this afternoon on the Bleriot. I finally got around to installing the Nitto cages I had received last week, not that they really did anything for the ride. It was mid-30sF instead of mid-20s or even mid-10s, so away. I wore 1 polypro top w/ my goretex jacket, think tights with my new MUSA shorts and a pair of wool Devold bottoms. they're too small, but i can't send them back to RBW on account of them being undies. they got the job done. on the feet 1 medium wool sock, Target shoes and neoprene toe covers. Fact is, in the temps this afternoon I was comfy. I wandered around, down towards the river and Mockingbird Soccer Club to pick up some forms for the boys, but they didn't have any. Alas! I worked downtownish, up Lexington and in to Cherokee. I had a nice short time with an African-American gentleman on his C'dale. Seems he works at the UL medical school downtown and commutes some. He spent time in England and Germany working and riding and told me of nice stories riding on bike lanes with his children in Cambridge. He was also quite cavalier as to the temps b/c he is from upstate NY, so this is spring I guess. Nice talk with him even though he had the strange habit of very often riding while sitting up, as though he were on one of those high-rise hybrids. I guess the Bleriot position may seem that high-rise to the roadie on the low-slung carbon thunderbike.

Damn, it was just nice to actually ride again. They're forecasting nastiness for tomorrow and Tuesday- of the ice variety- but on the bike I must be!

(I'll load a couple pics in the near)

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