Date: Mar 20 Tues
Mileage: 14 (LHT)
March mileage: 109.5
Year to date: 549.5
snuck out for a commute today on what was supposed to be a tennis day. to my benefit, the forecast was for rain. that would unfortunately cancel tennis practice (can you hear "aaww"?) and would mean a driving commute to work would be useless. henceforth, the LHT, with newly-festooned LHT.
The morning commute brought nothing of note except that I got up quite early and hit the road at 6.00 a.m. The afternoon became night in effect. For the first time that I can remember, I actually stayed through to attend a meeting at 7.00 p.m., thereby putting me at work from 7.00a.m. to 8.00p.m. I then mounted the LHT for the nighttime ride home. It's so funny/strange that I ride in the a.m. all the time and am very comfortable in the dark. The evening holds a different pace, though. All scurrying, drinks, home, impatience, and even darker. I had the good opportunity to christen the guardamarros on the LHT, the skies giving me a healthy llovizna, never a deluge but enough to be called rain. Like a "T". Stolen fun amidst the burden that is "professionalism". Last year I had no, NO, March mileage at all. At least I'm doing better than that right now. More good to come.
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