Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Date: Mar 21 Wed
Mileage: 19 (LHT)
March mileage: 128
Year to date: 568

Another commute today. Nothing to report of any great note except that it's great to be on a bike. My morning was all screwed up b/c I woke up at 4.45 to take a leak and couldn't get back to sleep. Damn, I've been up for a while. The morning was made better by all the birdsong out there. dulcet tones of true music. The afternoon brought no complaints; you can't complain when it's 73 and sunny, right? Windy, yes, but great! And to boot, I just got back from a 1-mile walk from church where I left the family.

Tomorrow, tennis. Uhgg!

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