1. Billionares- all that money, and for what? All the people without health care, without an adequate education, without food (in Africa), only able to afford shit food (US), those with little or no resources to speak of, and Bill and Warren need $56 billion? These and others are worth that much more $$ than other human beings?
2. Newt- Slick Willie was a codger and a scam artist. No, he was a weak-hearted libidinous pig, I guess. But he was/is a man interested (seemingly) in the common good. During the Clinton Witch hunt, Newt Gringrich was diddling around while leading the witch hunt. How can someone do such a thing in good conscience? with a logical mind? Under such Delusion?
I think Religion as a human construct was created in society to deal with such conundrums. How do you come to grips with the unexplainable? Yes, the skies and stars are massive and unfathomable, but Human behavior, to me, is even more vexing. I could get extremely pissed off about this kind of thing, but my studies have helped me let go, and these nuggets are definitely worth letting go. The converse is lunacy.
"Have you replaced Reason for Madness?" (or something awfully close) Gandalf
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